The World’s Leading Vision AI solutions for Smart Cities- Road and Traffic

Automated monitoring and analysis of road traffic, road safety violations, roadworks and carpark operations

A state-of-the-art Vision AI road safety solution that provides cities, roadworkers and carpark operators with 24/7 safety and security monitoring as well as automated alerts and ticketing for road safety violations and traffic anomalies


Key Features

Traffic Monitoring & Survey

Traffic Congestion

Monitoring the flow of traffic and identifying traffic jams or obstructions


Surveying and tallying the number of vehicles on the road, segmenting them according to the different categories

Micromobility Devices

Counting the number of micromobility devices moving on the road and pedestrian areas while classifying them


Counting the number of pedestrians and categorising them according to each segment

Vehicles Road Safety

Vehicle in wrong lane/direction

Identifying vehicles in the wrong lane or direction to ensure road safety for all

Illegal stop

Identifying vehicles making an illegal stop, turns, or u-turns for road safety


Identifying speeding vehicles violating the road speed limit guidelines to make sure it is safe for other drivers

Red light violation

Identifying vehicles violating red light stops to protect both pedestrians and other drivers

Bus lane violation

Discerning vehicles in violation of the bus lane to ensure the safety of buses and other vehicles on the road


Identifying pedestrians who are jaywalking and flouting traffic rules to prevent accidents

Roadworks Safety & Productivity

Barricades and cones compliance

Ensuring that road barricades and cones comply with regulations to keep roads safe for moving vehicles

Worker PPE

Making sure that workers are correctly decked in worker PPE gear for their safety

Congestion and Slow Traffic in Lane

Identifying slow-moving traffic and congestion in lanes to prevent accidents and for awareness

Start/end time

Monitoring and surveying the start and end times as well as productivity KPIs

Car Park Operations

Illegal Parking by Lot

Monitoring car park operations by identifying vehicles committing illegal parking activities

Barrier malfunction

Detecting barrier malfunctioning to make sure that vehicles can enter and exit the car park safely

Why cyRoad

Key Advantages

  • Self Learning AI Algorithms

    Artificial intelligence technology that implements intelligent machine learning capabilities to initiate learning from past activiites and results

  • Real Time Alerts At The Industry Highest Accuracy

    Sending operators real-time alerts with the highest levels of precision

  • Extremely Low False Alarm Rate

    Be assured of the highest degree of accuracy to prevent time and effort wastage on false alarms

  • Privacy Compliance

    Making sure that we employ anonymisation to stay in line with industry privacy guidelines and compliance requirements

  • Automated SOP-Based Response To Incidents

    Automation takes away manual challenges while our SOP-based responses ensure that everything is done by the book

  • Robust Situational

    A unique and carefully constructed dashboard that assesses and reports the ongoing situation

  • Edge

    Equipment suitable for every type of camera or video monitoring devices

  • Automated Offence Case Management

    Automating the offence case management process to remove tedious manual handling

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